Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Punny Valentine

Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching - a time to express your own personal devotion to your beloved!  To that end, our Textures artisans have lovingly created a wide selection of works to help you "fine tune" the message...

I wish to purse-ue you as my valentine...

Shake your bootie, valentine...

I couldn't bear it if you didn't ring me for valentine's day...

Once I had a love and it was a gas...

A-tisket a-tasket,
A little flower basket
I wrote a letter to my love...

I said hello, dolly
......well, hello, dolly...

I was afraid to brooch the subject, but will you be my valentine?

I'm still wrapping my head around having you as my valentine!

Love is in bloom, valentine...

You are like a fine jewel, valentine...

I love the way you sparkle, valentine...

Don't tea-se me, say you'll be my valentine!

O-pin your heart to me, valentine...

You're a work of art, valentine...

Let's write the book of love together, valentine...

If you knew how I felt about you, you'd be my valentine...

I can't bear it when we're apart, sweetie...

Can't wait to get my mitts on you, valentine... 

You suit me to a "T", valentine...

Owl I know if you really love me, valentine?

I am tote-ally smitten with you, valentine..

You keep me in stitches, valentine...

My feelings for you are crystal clear, valentine...

You are a real sweet dish, valentine...

In my heart of hearts, I want you to be my valentine...

Painted love...

Stick with me, valentine...

Earring you will be my valentine would make me very happy...

Don't leave me dangle-ing - will you be my valentine?

You're a living doll, valentine...

Sock-it to me, valentine...

I can bear-ly contain myself when you're around, valentine...

It would be monsterous if you weren't my valentine...

If you don't agree to be my valentine, it would be a cat-astrophe!

You're tree times a lady, valentine...

I'm hooked on you, valentine...

I shall not wrist until you agree to be my valentine...

I'm fairy certain we belong together, valentine...

A little birdy told me that you should be my valentine...

I will always remember how beautiful you looked glass night, valentine...

You have me, clock, stock and barrel, valentine... 

I'd never tray-d what we have, valentine...

Platter-y will get you everywhere, valentine...

You make me melt, valentine...

You bowl me over, valentine...

Would you be my valentine if I told you I'm a real fun-gi?

I vase hoping you'd be my valentine...

All you need is love, valentine...

You're the cat's meow, valentine...

You're a shoe-in to be my valentine...

No one can hold a candle to you, valentine...