Thursday, June 27, 2013

We R Canadian!

July 1 is just around the corner,  and on that date in 1867, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Province of Canada were united into a single country. 
Canada Day is traditionally celebrated with fireworks, concerts, cookouts, and sporting events.

How do you plan to celebrate this great nation?
Seems strange that one of the best-known poems about our country actually began as a beer commercial.  Or, perhaps it's not so strange, after all?

 I Am Canadian
I'm not a lumberjack, or a fur trader,
and I don't live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dogsled,
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President.
I speak English and French, NOT American.
and I pronounce it 'ABOUT', NOT 'A BOOT'.
I can proudly sew my nation's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing,
diversity, NOT assimilation,
and that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal.
A toque is a hat, a chesterfield is a couch,
and it is pronounced 'ZED' NOT 'ZEE', 'ZED'!!!
Canada is the second largest land mass,
the first nation of hockey,
and the best part of North America!



 Some popular examples of Canadiana: 
  • Maple syrup
  •  Canada goose
  •  Beaver
  •  Tim Horton's
  •  Moose
  •  Totem poles
  •  Mounties 
  •  Beer 
  •  Maple leaf 
  •  Hockey 
  •  Inukshuk 

Textures artisans are proud to be Canadian, too! 





















Enjoy your Canada Day, eh! 
From the artisans of Textures Craftworks
Textures Craftworks
236 Locke Street South (at Charlton)
Hamilton, ON  L8P 4B7
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Holly Hollyson @ Full of Beans and Sausages said...

Looks like a wicked collection, I will have to check it out!

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting. It is GREAT to be a Canadian. I have been to the shop and love it!