Thursday, April 28, 2016

The silver in her hair shouldn't be....

the only silver that she should see!

Textures presents a lovely selection of silver jewelry by Tracey Brailsford for your Mom, 

or for any special woman in your life... 

There is always something special to find at the
Green Store with the Red Door! 

Our photography done by member Tracey Brailsford!

Or, visit us on 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Beautiful pottery to enhance your plants...

Succulents are "In" this are hanging planters ....These unique designs are created by Lisa Skog


Our photography done by member Tracey Brailsford!

Or, visit us on 

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thank you Hamilton! Thank you Locke Street!

The launch of the new Locke St. logo was a huge success! The weather was wonderful and the streets were packed with people.

A total of 750 tote bags were given out by the shops and THE GRAND PRIZE WAS WON BY ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS! ...Rachael who came to us for her tote...$300 Locke St. cash to spend in any shop on the street! 

There was face painting and a free photo booth...3 Textures members ~ Beth, Malcolm and Janne ~ popped over for a bit of fun, balloons, treats, and great eats!

Thank you Locke St. BIA and Locke St. shops for a fabulous day!

And thank you to everyone who came to visit Locke Street and Textures, 
The Green Store with the Red Door

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